Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Starring by: Michael Gambon, Annette Bening, Leigh Lawson, Shaun Evans, Jeremy Irons
Directed & Produced by: Ronald Harwood, Mychael Danna, Robert Lantos, Simon Kaye, W. Somerset Maugham
Release Date: [released]
Running time: 104 minutes
IMDb Rating: 6.4/10 by 45 users
Julia Lambert is a true diva: beautiful, talented, weathly and famous. She has it all - including a devoted husband who has mastermined her brilliant career - but after years of shining in the spotlight she begins to suffer from a severe case of boredom and longs for something new and exciting to put the twinkle back in her eye. Julia finds exactly what she's looking for in a handsome young American fan, but it isn't long before the novelty fling adds a few more sparks than she was hoping for. Fortuately for her, this surprise twist in the plot will thrust her back into the greatest role of her life.
Sometimes, watching movies is just about escaping from reality. When your life is getting bored, a good movie is a kind of cure that you need - your escaping route from routineness.
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Released in 9/3/2004, Being Julia (2004) delivers an exceptional spectacle with stunning acts from the stars. The movie had good review with 6.4/10 by 45 users rating in IMDB.
Starring by Michael Gambon, Annette Bening, Leigh Lawson, Shaun Evans, Jeremy Irons, Being Julia (2004) is one of must watch list in genre Comedy, Drama, Romance. For 104 minutes, Being Julia (2004) will provoke you kind of emotions, leaving you memorable spectacle to remember.
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