Genre: Drama, Horror, Science Fiction
Starring by: Yusuke Iseya, Kumiko Aso, Akira Terao, Kanako Higuchi, Fumiyo Kohinata
Directed & Produced by: Shiro Sagisu, Kazuaki Kiriya, Kazuaki Kiriya, Kazuaki Kiriya, Kazuaki Kiriya
Release Date: [released]
Running time: 141 minutes
IMDb Rating: 6/10 by 135 users
Fifty years of war between the Great Eastern Federation and Europa - now merged as Eurasia - have taken their toll on planet Earth. As a result of the use of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, much of Earth has become uninhabitable and people have become prey to new diseases. Professor Azuma's "neo-cell" project, which is supposed to be the answer to mankind's hardships, becomes a nightmare come true when mutants spawned from the experiment escape and declare war on the human race. Azuma's son Tetsuya, who was killed during the previous war, is reborn into the cyborg Casshern as mankind's last hope against the new mutant threat. This live-action sci-fi movie based on a 1973 Japanese animé of the same name.
Sometimes, watching movies is just about escaping from reality. When your life is getting bored, a good movie is a kind of cure that you need - your escaping route from routineness.
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Released in 4/24/2004, Casshern (2004) delivers an exceptional spectacle with stunning acts from the stars. The movie had good review with 6/10 by 135 users rating in IMDB.
Starring by Yusuke Iseya, Kumiko Aso, Akira Terao, Kanako Higuchi, Fumiyo Kohinata, Casshern (2004) is one of must watch list in genre Drama, Horror, Science Fiction. For 141 minutes, Casshern (2004) will provoke you kind of emotions, leaving you memorable spectacle to remember.
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