Genre: Drama, Thriller
Starring by: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Imogen Poots, Matthew Beard, Hannah Murray, Tuppence Middleton
Directed & Produced by: Masahiro Hirakubo, Benoît Delhomme, Nina Gold, Hideo Nakata, Alison Owen
Release Date: [released]
Running time: 97 minutes
IMDb Rating: 6.1/10 by 206 users
When strangers Jim, Eva, Emily and Mo meet William online in his new 'Chelsea Teens!' chatroom, they're completely seduced by his fast-talking, charismatic character. But beneath the surface lies a much darker truth. William is a dangerous loner, channeling all his energies into cyberspace. He's become an analyser, a calculating manipulator who finds it almost impossible to interact normally with others in the real world, instead turning his hand to manipulating people online. When the timid Jim opens up to William, it sparks a fascination that quickly turns into a dark downward spiral, with the twisted antagonist coercing the rest of the group to become pawns in his deadly game. As the cat-and-mouse situation escalates to devastating heights, can William's anti-social networking be brought to an end?
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Released in 8/11/2010, Chatroom (2010) delivers an exceptional spectacle with stunning acts from the stars. The movie had good review with 6.1/10 by 206 users rating in IMDB.
Starring by Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Imogen Poots, Matthew Beard, Hannah Murray, Tuppence Middleton, Chatroom (2010) is one of must watch list in genre Drama, Thriller. For 97 minutes, Chatroom (2010) will provoke you kind of emotions, leaving you memorable spectacle to remember.
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